
Сообщения за август, 2023


  Overcoming air defense systems   The attack speed of air defense systems should be calculated so that the first of them will be shot down. And the maximum that they can do is to use up 1-2 anti-missiles. But, you can increase the effectiveness of the attack. If the body of the attacking missile is made so that it is divided into plates during an explosion (hit), a cloud of metal interference with the air defense system will form. If a film with dipoles is applied to the body, then even more interference is generated when an attacking missile is hit. Such a film can be glued on existing rockets before use. Metallized fibers must also be placed in the warhead. In general, an attacking air defense system should, when intercepted, create a maximum cloud of interference, and not just fall to the ground. Tech Innovation


  Overcoming air defense systems   Overloading the air defense system is one of the ways to successfully defeat the air defense system. When attacking, a large number of attacking missiles or UAVs are used. The effectiveness of the method can be increased if a large amount of light interference is installed on each attacking device - dipole reflectors or Lugeberg lenses, which are so light that they stay in the air for a very long time. When the first attacking missiles are hit by anti-missiles, the interference will scatter and more and more interference will accumulate in the air, obscuring subsequent attacking blocks. This will complicate the work of air defense systems more Theory Innovation