
Сообщения за январь, 2024


  Counter-battery combat Special radars track the flight path of artillery shells. Using this data, computers calculate the location of the artillery installation. Next - who will be faster. The gunners will leave or other gunners will have time to hit them. This can be effectively counteracted by launching UAVs before an artillery strike, which will scatter dipole reflectors in the air, which will create a curtain for counter-battery radars. There is nothing to invent here. You just need to use what is already available a little differently. Innovations


  Artillery shells Artillery shells and mortar shells can be significantly more dangerous if they are detonated above the ground. Such fuses (theoretically) could be no more complicated than a computer mouse with a laser diode. Even if the reliability of such a design turns out to be not high, there will be a normal detonation when it hits the ground. If it works at a height of 1 meter, there will be an increased scattering of fragments. Such a fuse can be extremely cheap and technologically accessible. Forest areas or tall bushes for such projectiles (for copters) will create an additional advantage. The explosion of the ammunition will occur above the shelters and will be more dangerous.  Artillery shells